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Research Briefs


Employee and customer engagement deliver stronger firm performance

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To encourage green behaviors from consumers, companies must first be green themselves

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Family-friendly benefits in a family-friendly corporate environment

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Communicate corporate citizenship activity to prospective employees

When a company shared information about its corporate citizenship activity, prospective employees demonstrated a preference for the nonfinancial benefits of working for the company over the financial ones.

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good corp citizenship

Good corporate citizenship performance reduces risk and improves the financial performance of efficient firms

Firms that are efficient in their business operations can further improve the company’s financial performance and reduce risk with good corporate social performance.

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equality and innovation

Anti-discrimination laws catalyze firm innovation

When all types of employees are welcomed into the workforce, firms are more innovative. Firms headquartered in states that limit companies’ ability to discriminate base on gender or sexual orientation file more patents and receive more granted patents than firms headquartered in states without such laws.

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Recruit with a purpose: Include CSR in job advertisements to make a difference through their work

To attract employees that value corporate citizenship, companies should emphasize their own corporate citizenship values and efforts in their job descriptions.

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Corporate giving in good times and bad

When a major event or a natural disaster strike’s a firm’s headquarter city, many companies respond by changing their giving priorities.

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Employee involvement in corporate giving leads to greater commitment

When employees participate in a company’s corporate giving efforts, both society and the business benefit.

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When should the ask be a nudge? The effect of default amounts on charitable donations

In charitable appeals where donors are presented with default donation amounts, low default amounts increase participation, but reduce overall how much a campaign may raise.

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Economic factors impact the effect of regulatory institutions on firms’ CSR responsiveness

The positive effects of regulatory institutions on CSR responsiveness are weaker on smaller firms and financially strong firms.

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An employee-friendly culture can have a positive impact on the quality of financial reporting

Companies that invest more in employee benefits require fewer financial restatements.

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