
The History Department offers a large array of courses and programs. To help you make the most of your studies, we have a number of faculty and staff ready to advise you. To declare a major or minor, please contact Professor Penny Ismay.

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Information for...

History Majors

Most History majors are assigned History faculty as formal advisors. For most issues your History advisor is the best source of information and you should make it a point to get to know your advisor early and to be in touch whenever you have questions. If you do not know who your assigned advisor is, please check Agora.

If you are a Secondary Education major from the Lynch School of Education who also wishes to major in history, please see Prof. Ismay. She will serve as your second major advisor.

Second Majors

Students who declared History as a second major have an advisor from the department of their first major. They should contact Prof. Oh or Prof. Ismay.

History Minors

Students who are history minors will not be assigned a faculty advisor in the department but should feel free to contact Prof. Ismay with any questions. To declare a history minor officially, please fill out this form (you must be logged into your 精东影业 email first):