Training & Resources

Training for Facilitators

Contact David Blustein or Amy Mazur with questions or to request access to the training materials.

Public Resources

These resources are made freely available to the public. For those who find them useful, we encourage you to share them widely. In using them, we simply ask that you credit or reference WIN appropriately. We also gladly welcome user feedback and suggestions for improvements on these tools and resources.

Work Intervention Manual

At the outset of the pandemic, a group of 10 vocational/counseling psychologists, career practitioners, and a sociologist convened to discuss the unemployment crisis (which includes underemployment and seasonal work). We concurred that the challenges resulting from the massive job losses require comprehensive and flexible sources of support and skill-building. Building on the excellent services that are already available via employment and career transition agencies, training programs, and independent providers, we designed six 75-90 minute workshops that can be used in tandem or independently to support individuals who are unemployed and underemployed. Our intention is to disseminate this workshop content as widely as possible at no cost to agencies or providers.Ìý